Episode 3

Summer Session: Making Meetings Better

Meetings are such a ubiquitous part of work - and often one of the spaces that can feel energy-draining. What if that wasn’t the case? The clips in this episode of “Summer Session” specifically highlight ways to make meetings better. After all, there is so much potential when people gather. Why waste that time and space?

Featuring past guests (along with the offerings they share): 

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Lead with a dash of Play
Lead with a dash of Play
Re-claiming space for compassion and creativity in the workplace

About your host

Profile picture for Mary Hendra

Mary Hendra

Mary Hendra is an executive leader and entrepreneur bringing curiosity, creativity and compassion back into the workplace, into our civic spaces and into our opportunities for adult learning.

In addition to hosting "Lead with a dash of Play," Mary creates unique cohort experiences built on stillness, creativity, and compassion - with a dash of play. Learn more about Mary's work here: https://maryhendra.com/playground/